The Courage to Transform
In order to successfully transform an organization I believe it takes leaders that set a vision, set an example and follow through on their promises. Leaders who are brave, willing to fail and who serve the people that they lead.
Successfully transforming also takes employees who are willing to trust in their leaders, who are willing to change the way they are used to doing things, learn new skills, (often the soft-skills count the most) and take risks.
Successfully transforming an organization takes a willingness to weed out the people who do not share in your vision, who cannot adapt to a new way of working, leading and being. There will always be those who fight for the status quo, either openly or subconsciously, suppressing any change with all their might.
Successfully transforming takes great courage and brings real pain in changing, change is hard and it always hurts something (most often our egos).
Transformation is creative destruction, it is catastrophic by the definition: "involving a sudden and large-scale alteration in state." There is no change without effort, without upset, without consequence. Be brave, it is worth the journey.